Squibler: 20,000 – 200,000 Organic Visitors/Month in One Year

Squibler is a SaaS that my co-founder, Dhaval and I founded at the beginning of 2021 to help writers write screenplays, books, and short stories.


Dhaval and I founded Squibler because we wanted to create a resource that appealed to all writers in one simplified platform. The reason is almost all writers practice in the same way. So if we could connect them with practice, then we could create a large community. Features include timer, goals, “dangerous” mode, and community interaction.

Growth Strategy

Early on, we realized the majority of our users would be acquired through templates and tools that complemented our product.

First, we created dedicated landing pages for each of our customer segments to highlight templates. This included a landing page for novel writers, screenwriters, and people who journal.

Then we created templates to drive user acquisition from our blog content.

We wrote about a hundred articles and did backlinking campaigns for the major pieces of content that drove new users. Altogether, we acquired about 250+ new backlinks over the first year.

Growth Results

In only one year, we went from no SaaS product to a SaaS product with paying customers that acquired over 4,500 new users every month from 150,000 organic visitors/month. We ranked for major keyword on the front page including “book template,” “novel template,” “script ,” and “how to write a script.”

As we worked on the product, we found product-market fit which skyrocketed our organic growth because the content produced on the platform ranks on Google as well. The better product-market fit we had, the more content would be produced. As of April 2021, we were on track for over 600+ stories published on our platform every month.


Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter is the founder of The Product Company and a partner at Product Manager HQ.