6 Best Discrimination Training Programs 2025

Are you searching for the best discrimination training programs in 2025?

Employers must provide a safe working environment for their employees. This means the working environment should be healthy and free of discrimination.

You can train yourself and your employees against conscious and unconscious bias to achieve the goal. Also, a part of it creates an inclusive and diverse environment.

Awareness programs, such as discrimination training courses, are an excellent way to help you and your employees get involved in creating a better work culture. It will help you understand what constitutes appropriate behavior and discriminative stimulus in a professional setting.

Many organizations offer incredible diversity and inclusion training programs for employers who need them. This blog post will discuss some of these top-rated ones so you can find one right away!

6 Best Discrimination Training Programs 2025

This is a list of the top six discrimination training programs for 2025 that will help you find out which program suits your needs and requirements and those of your organization.

1. HR Diversity and Inclusion Program by HR University

Diversity and Inclusion Certification Course by HR University

Course length: 20 hours

Price: $299

The HR Diversity and Inclusion Certification program by HR University is an excellent way to get the joint attention of HR managers and workplace employees.

Not only does the program offer sensitivity training, but it also teaches you how to create and integrate a comprehensive discrimination policy within the workplace using receptive language. Moreover, it comes with instructor feedback on your capstone assignment to ensure you can implement sensitivity training within your organization.

The training program helps you understand practices such as receptive labels, stimulus delta, paired relationships, language development, harassment training, etc. All these concepts are for the specific purpose of creating effective processes and behavior reinforcement strategies.

The focused program is created by the best in the field and covers the following issues:

  • Racial minorities
  • Types of bias & bias response
  • Sexual harassment policy
  • Sexual orientation
  • Micro behaviors
  • Dealing with unconscious bias
  • Managing diversity
  • How not to discriminate against people with disabilities

The course’s content comprises interactive learning, short videos, management skill courses, and Track learning.

The program also covers:

  • Monitor diversity to see how employees respond.
  • Creating a comprehensive Inclusion and Diversity strategy
  • Handle workplace bullying
  • Manage microaggression

Even though it is not a beginner program, the course gives you in-depth knowledge of all the fundamentals of discrimination training.

2. Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Training by Compliance Training Group

Diversity & Sensitivity in the Workplace for Employees for Supervisors by Compliance Training Group

Course Length: 1 hour

Cost: $29.99 for single-user e-learning enrollment

This is a new program by the Compliance Training Group. This program consists of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Essential Concepts and is suitable for employees and supervisors.

It is appropriate for the current changing work environment. This program offers knowledge and skills essential to support each other and can increase the organization’s productivity.

The program helps you to adopt a vocabulary for communicating inclusion and diversity. This includes training against discrimination, unconscious bias, affinity bias, stereotype, prejudice, racism, and ideology.

Other objectives include appropriate sensitivity and recognition of particular behavior or speech that can be insensitive towards groups or cultures. This course will also help you identify various conversational strategies to confront discriminatory behaviors.

The course will help you to become more sensitive and aware of the various forms that discrimination can take. You will be able to identify these behaviors in your day-to-day workplace and how they affect others on a personal level.

You will develop skills and strategies for confronting discriminatory behavior with tactful conversations while building awareness. If you work closely with someone exhibiting this behavior or if it is continuous, this program offers methods for addressing this topic without upsetting their relationships or jeopardizing your advancement within the company’s hierarchy.

3. As Simple As Respect: Diversity, Respect & Inclusion In the Workplace by TrainingABC

As Simple As Respect Diversity, Respect & Inclusion In the Workplace by TrainingABC

Course Length: 23 minutes (learning materials take up to 15 hours)

Cost: $795

This program teaches the skills necessary for fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace environment. In this course, you’ll learn about:

  • The principles of diversity
  • Respectful dialogue
  • What constitutes bullying or harassment in the workplace
  • Dealing with difficult conversations respectfully both as the subject and as an observer

The course will also help you identify the benefits of a diverse and non-discriminatory workplace that allows employees to adapt to healthy practices better to build an inclusive environment.

This includes valuing the differences every individual can bring and how that can shape the company morale. Training videos with real-life scenarios help promote the course’s essentials in a simple and untestable way.

The course objectives are to provide tools to identify and address problems related to discrimination in the workplace. Also, to increase awareness of diversity, privilege, and power within organizations.

It also helps learn how differences in individuals can benefit an organization instead of something used against them.

For this training program to work effectively, participants should know basic human rights concepts such as dignity, respect, equality before the law, etc., required by federal laws and international treaties.

This includes the principles of diversity – Diverse teams make better decisions than homogeneous teams because they bring new ideas from different backgrounds with diverse perspectives.

4. Diversity Discrimination for Employees – Online Training Course by JJ Keller

Diversity Discrimination for Employees - Online Training Course by JJ Keller

Course Length: 60 minutes

Cost: $289

This Diversity Discrimination for Employees course by JJ Keller helps you create a safe workplace. It helps employees understand the problematic issue of discrimination.

The course empowers people by helping them understand the discrimination laws. Moreover, it focuses on how we can embrace diversity and help each other. This will educate people on how to help one another personally and professionally.

One of the benefits is that diverse teams are better at solving problems than homogenous teams. When we’re in a group with people with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, it’s much more likely that someone will recognize something or point out an issue before others do.

Teams made up exclusively of one background always run into issues when they lack diversity – there isn’t anyone on the team to raise these questions and give feedback from a different perspective.

The course teaches employees about what discrimination means in both legal terms (including federal laws like Title VII) and how to embrace diversity as part of their philosophy. Some other topics covered include:

  • Hiring Practices Lawsuit Prevention Tips
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charge process

5. Beyond Race and Religion by HR Direct

Beyond Race and Religion by HR Direct

Course Length: 60 minutes

Cost: $94.99 to $114.99

This course will help you teach employees why sensitivity in the workplace makes a difference and help create a positive and productive workspace. It gives the employees a solid understanding of actions acceptable and unacceptable in work.

Beyond Race and Religion provides a detailed training solution that helps people value diversity. Also, it outlines how they can affect the work environments and productivity.

Your employees will also learn to identify stereotypes and bring a resolution to other discriminatory practices. Additionally, this course gives employees detailed knowledge about diversity sensitivity in an organization.

Besides, it will help them understand how they can positively affect the work environment and productivity. Your employees will also learn to identify stereotypes or bring a resolution to conflicts that happen at the workplace.

6. Diversity and Inclusion Training In The Workplace by EasyLlama

Diversity and Inclusion Training In The Workplace by EasyLlama

Course Length: 60 minutes

Cost: It starts from 9.95 per training session

The Diversity and Inclusion Training gives employees detailed knowledge about diversity sensitivity in an organization. This course covers how they can positively affect the work environment and productivity.

It also teaches them ways to identify stereotypes and resolve such micro-aggressive discrimination in the workplace. Also, it helps supervisors in understanding and bringing resolution to the conflict.

The course will also help them understand why it’s essential for everyone to value diversity, including their uniqueness. All this while understanding that not all people are going through similar life experiences.

Also, it will help them understand that differences can be difficult without discriminating against others. This course will also teach them the value differences can bring to the table.

The unique selling point of this program is it is made interesting with engaging activities.

You and your employees can take the course in five-minute sessions, so it’s easy to fit into even busy schedules. It includes engaging activities, real-life examples, quizzes, and videos. The content will interest all generations, from Generation Z or Millennials up to Baby Boomer.

How to Choose the Best Discrimination Training Programs 2025?

Numerous research studies show that a diverse workplace free of discrimination can be more productive than a discriminatory workplace. They have also shown that organizations with better gender, ethnic, and racial diversity outperform competitors with less diversity.

This suggests that Discrimination Training Programs are essential to the organization’s and its employees’ growth.

Here are some important notes that will guide you in finding the most suitable discrimination training program.

Identifying Your Needs

​The first step to finding a good discrimination training program is identifying the type of bias you want to address. For example, if your company has an issue with sexual harassment or racial discrimination in hiring practices, you would need anti-sexual harassment and anti-racial solutions.

Some companies also look for diversity awareness training programs rather than just specific types of bias. These are great because they cover all bases like gender identity and expression and LGBT issues while focusing on more prominent forms of prejudice such as ageism and sexism.


How relevant is the discrimination training program to your organization? As discussed above, this can be easy to answer once you identify your needs.

This is important because a program tailored to the requirements of your organization will be more effective. Also, it will add authenticity in addition to relevance.

Bystander intervention

Check if the program offers bystander intervention training. It is one of the most effective ways to handle discriminatory workplace behavior.

Does it empower employees with techniques and tools to interrupt harmful situations? It is a way of showing support for the victims of misconduct.

Tailored Program Content

Most companies need customized content regarding discrimination training, especially if they have specific inclusivity goals or are dealing with issues related to gender diversity, racial bias, etc.

That’s because there can’t be a one size fits all approach that works for every employer. Each business has different policies, cultures, and workforces working under them.

In addition, some organizations may require more than just workplace civility.

So, if your organization needs tailored program content, it is vital you choose one.


1. What is a discrimination training program?

A discrimination training program is a program that educates employees on what constitutes unacceptable behavior and how to avoid committing discriminatory acts in the workplace.

A training program will help build a positive, inclusive and productive work culture.

Discrimination can come in many forms. It may be in a blatant and obvious form or a subtle yet harmful form. All of these are illegal and detrimental. Hence, a discrimination program can be helpful to an individual as well as an organization.

Discrimination programs help employees make better decisions in various fields of the workplace. It can be in hiring, promoting, or any other formal relationship.

2. How do discrimination programs combat workplace discrimination?

Workplace discrimination is discriminating against someone because they belong to a particular group, race, or gender. A training program will help in building a positive, inclusive, and productive work culture where everyone feels comfortable in their place.

However, the goal is to educate employees on what constitutes unacceptable behavior and how to avoid committing discriminatory acts in the workplace. Some tools you can use are workshops, presentations, and activities.

3. What should employers consider when deciding whether or not they need such programs?

An organization’s size, workforce composition (e.g., unionized vs. non-unionized), geographic location, and type of business are all considerations that can help determine if it needs this kind of training program in place.

You can start by identifying your needs, as we discussed earlier, and check for the program’s relevance to your needs.

Final Words

In addition to being illegal, discrimination is detrimental to an individual and an institution. Hopefully, this list of the top 5 Best Discrimination Training Programs 2025 was helpful to you.

These programs do not only provide knowledge but also help people make better decisions across fields. After all, a non-discriminatory and diverse workspace will build a better working environment and products and services.


Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter is the founder of The Product Company and a partner at Product Manager HQ.